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Collaboration internationale Ontario

Two of our deputy directors, Alice DELSERIEYS PEDREGOSA and Patrice BONNET, as well as Mathilde FAVIER, Ampiric's pilot project manager, went on a mission to Toronto to work on exchanges between France and Ontario in Canada.

New perspectives of collaboration are opening up for academic exchanges and exchanges with schools in the service of educational research and teacher training.

Graduates of the Inspé's Master MEEF can now obtain a qualification that will allow them to apply for teaching positions in French and English schools (with Ontario school boards). If their application is accepted, they will teach in Ontario schools with the same early career support as any teacher starting in a school in Ontario.

The cooperation will be two-way.In turn, France will host Ontario teachers who will teach various subjects in English in French schools.

Contact: Anais Trémège, Head of Research and International Cooperation

Article on Radio Canada