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The activity of the Principal Counsellor in Education in Contexts: Elements of Educational Didactics


  • Mikaïloff Nathalie
  • Espinassy Laurence


Document type

Journal articles


An analysis of the activity of the principal counsellor in education allows us to identify its complexity and singularity in a persistent context of division of educational work. With the evolution of the requirements of the profession, their functions are expanding and diversifying, from the individual accompaniment of the pupil to the organisation of collective life within the school. Based on two distinct research and starting from a double theoretical and methodological anchorage, at the interface between didactic and ergonomic approaches, the investigation allows to question specific professional gesture, on the one hand in its didactic dimensions aiming at the co-construction of the norm as knowledge, on the other hand in its collective dimensions on the scale of a Priority Education Network. The study of these different strata of the profession reveals the processes of adaptation to work situations through which the principal counsellor in education accords its educational values with the institutional framework. The dynamic conception of service relationship can be mobilized to envisage the study of this profession of education by updating the notions of didactic play and the arrangement of the learning environment. This gives us new research perspectives on the analysis of work situations.