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Interpolation avec contraintes sur des ensembles finis du disque


  • Zarouf Rachid

Document type

Journal articles


Given a finite set \sigma of the unit disc \mathbb{D}=\{z\in\mathbb{C}:,\,\vert z\vert<1\} and a holomorphic function f in \mathbb{D} which belongs to a class X, we are looking for a function g in another class Y (smaller than X) which minimizes the norm \left\Vert g\right\Vert _{Y} among all functions g such that g_{\vert\sigma}=f_{\vert\sigma}. For Y=H^{\infty}, and for the corresponding interpolation constant c\left(\sigma,\, X,\, H^{\infty}\right), we show that c\left(\sigma,\, X,\, H^{\infty}\right)\leq a\varphi_{X}\left(1-\frac{1-r}{n}\right) where n=\#\sigma, r=max_{\lambda\in\sigma}\left|\lambda\right| and where \varphi_{X}(t) stands for the norm of the evaluation functional f\mapsto f(\lambda) on the space X. The upper bound is sharp over sets \sigma with given n and r.