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Theoretical reflections about education for sustainable development concept: cultural and territorial dimensions as social innovations


  • Barthes Angela
  • Ladage Caroline
  • Jeziorski Agnieszka
  • Champollion P.
  • Legardez Alain
  • Fauguet Jean-Luc
  • Alpe Yves


  • Education for sustainable development
  • International dimensions
  • Territorial context
  • Territorial intelligence
  • Document type

    Conference papers


    This communication proposes a theoretical and methodological framework for a research which finds its place in the project "new-LIFE" responding to the topic "Europe moving towards a new path of economic growth and social development" of the last call for project of the 7th Research Programme of the European Union published on July 20, 2010. The project attempts to answer a crucial question: What are the cultural and educational developments which will promote the support of citizens and territories on the path to a successful socio-ecological transition? In connection with the research conducted within the ANR project "Education for Sustainable Development: Opportunities and Challenges" we propose to study the educational dimension of territorial intelligence as a tool for sustainable development, in particular to question several types of territoriality (rural, mountain, urban, etc.) and educational areas (related to school or not) to characterize the educational practices of territorial intelligence, and to assess the impact of those territorialities on education for sustainable development, as well as on the eco-citizen identity construction.
