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  • Role and skills

    The mention council collects proposals for the pedagogical organization from the assessments made by the courses. It is competent in matters of training and can intervene in terms of training proposals for trainers and teaching resources. It issues an opinion on the evolution of training plans, the constitution of development groups or the production of resources.

  • Composition

    Each mention council is composed of teachers attached to the constituent courses:

    • representatives of the AMU and AU components
    • the deputy heads of the courses;
    • the heads of the options;
    • teachers in charge of relations with AMU and AU components;
    • teachers invited for their expertise on a particular issue.

    For the MEEF master's degree 4, two members have been added to the composition of the degree council:

    • the director of the Structure Fédérative d'Etudes et de Recherche en Education de Provence (SFERE-Provence, FED 4238) or his/her representative;
    • the director of the research unit EA4671 ADEF or his/her representative.
  • Operation

    Each departmental council is chaired by the department head and meets at least twice a year. Its opinions and proposals are transmitted to the members of the council and to the management. It may meet in restricted composition to prepare questions that require it. Each program manager is appointed by the director of the Inspé after consultation with the partners involved in the program.