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The Institut national supérieur du professorat et de l'éducation prepares more than 3,000 students for the Master's degree in Education and Training (MEEF) at the Aix-Marseille Academy, at 4 sites: Aix-en-Provence, Avignon, Digne-les-Bains, Marseille

This MEEF master's degree is declined in 4 mentions:

  • Mention 1 - First level: school teachers (primary)
  • Mention 2 - Second level: secondary school teachers in all disciplines
  • Mention 3 - Educational supervision: main educational advisers (middle and high schools)
  • Mention 4 - Training Practices and Engineering: Training Managers (Private Sector)

The apprenticeship tax is a tax that aims to involve employers in the financing of technological and vocational training.
For Inspé, it is an essential resource!

His assignment is decided in the period from September to January.
It must be paid through a collecting agency before March 1.

  • RNCP codes

    MASTER Teaching, Education and Training Professions
    first degree mention
    00023201 Aix-en-Provence, Avignon,
    Digne-les-Bains, Marseille
    MASTER Teaching, Education and Training professions, second level mention 00024458 Aix-en-Provence, Marseille
    MASTER Teaching, Education and Training Professions with a focus on educational supervision 00024459 Aix-en-Provence
    MASTER Teaching, Education and Training Professions
    practical mention and training engineering
    00027264 Aix-en-Provence
  • Why pay us the Apprenticeship Tax?

    Inspé trains the teachers of the Aix-Marseille Academy who will in turn train future generations involved in the economic development of our territory.

    By choosing to pay your apprenticeship tax to the Inspé d'Aix-Marseille, you are helping us to train your children's teachers!

    It is an opportunity for the company to strengthen its partnership with Inspé and AMU and an effective way to promote the use of this tax locally.

  • What do we do with the Apprenticeship Tax?

    We improve the learning conditions of our students and optimize their mobility opportunities:

    • Acquisition of educational material for our training sites (computers, video projector...)
    • Enrichment of the documentary resources made available to students and external personalities
    • Reinforcement of IT equipment
    • Recruitment of internationally renowned speakers
    • Assistance in financing student internships abroad
  • What are the steps to pay the TA to the Inspe?

    All Inspé training courses are entitled to collect the apprenticeship tax, over-quota part, category B*.

    *If the gross tax is less than 415 euros, there are no more levels (A or B) to be inspected and the allocation of the over-quota is free and can therefore be entirely allocated to the Inspé.

    Contact the apprenticeship tax collector of your choice, which will donate its share to Inspé according to your instructions.

    In the company, the person responsible for completing the apprenticeship tax form must:

    • choose a collecting body
    • fill in the apprenticeship tax request form of the collecting body, specifying the information relating to our establishment:
      • Inspé Headquarters: Inspé d'Aix-Marseille, - Campus Étoile site de Saint-Jérôme - 52 Avenue Escadrille Normandie Niemen - 13013 Marseille
      • UAI Code: 013406565Y
      • Indicate the assignment: "Inspé master MEEF" without further specification either "Inspé master MEEF + one of our 4 mentions" (see RNCP Code below)
      • SIRET of the Inspé d'Aix-Marseille headquarters: 130 015 332 00013
  • Versements en nature

    Au titre de la taxe d'apprentissage, vous pouvez nous faire verser un don en nature, c'est-à-dire, nous attribuer du matériel qui sera installé dans les laboratoires de travaux pratiques ou dans les salles informatiques. Ce matériel doit représenter un intérêt pédagogique en relation directe avec la formation. Votre don sera déduit du barème de la taxe d'apprentissage, sous certaines conditions.