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Eligibility criteria

  • Anyone with more than one year's experience in teaching, education or training.
  • No title or diploma requirement to access the MEEF Master's degree by VAE.

Stages of the application

  1. Drawing up an admissibility file ("Booklet 1") for the application for the MEEF Master's degree by the VAE

  2. Return the "Booklet 1" to the EAV office before the end of the application campaign

  3. Study of the pedagogical admissibility of the EAV project

  4. The Commission shall issue an opinion on the pedagogical admissibility of the EAV project.

  5. Once the two notices have been received, if the candidate decides to continue with the process, he or she will begin writing the "Book 2", for which he or she can benefit from paid support, during the academic year following the candidacy campaign.

  6. Once the writing of "Booklet 2" is completed, the candidate will be evaluated orally by a jury (10-15 minutes of presentation + 20-30 minutes of interview).
    The validation of prior learning can be total, null or partial.
    NB: there are two jury sessions (May/June and November/December)