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Recommended audience:

-This course is open to all, but it is recommended for school teachers and teachers of secondary education in Arts, and HGEMC.

-Open to all but recommended for students who have completed level 1

-Training not recommended for CSRs, evaluation done in person

Key Words: Harassment, empathy, self-esteem and awareness, cooperation, conflict prevention

To begin, we invite you to read the presentation of the EU level 1
The UE3 develop social and emotional competences level 1 allowed to discover elements of the program of development of psychosocial competences (Prodas) and to be sensitized to harassment in school context. The objective of level 2 is to continue this discovery with a view to concrete implementation in the classroom.
The first part of the course will allow the students to remobilize or discover the essential concepts covered in level 1 (social skills, emotional skills, harassment, etc.) and to discover or rediscover some of the Prodas workshops/tools and their objectives.
In a second phase, level 2 will aim to develop reflection on the more concrete implementation of the program in the classroom by proposing to question the role of facilitator and teacher. How to implement the program in the classroom this year (Alternant, FSTG) or in the future. How to conduct the workshops? What obstacles? What links with the common base and the programs? etc...

The organization of the EU :
Approximately 2/3 of the EU's time is devoted to Prodas. The training is based on real-life situations in which students are required to experience workshops as students or as facilitators in order to analyze the issues at stake. The training thus requires a real commitment from the student(corporal, vocal...) in group work. There is an alternation between theoretical contributions, role-playing, and analysis of real-life situations. The remaining third is devoted to raising awareness about harassment in the school context.

The evaluation is related to the professional development of the student in the field of social and emotional skills based on the student's commitment to the different workshops and in his ability to explain the evolution of his perception of social and emotional skills.