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Objectives: To give tools to future teachers to enable them to implement multidisciplinary activities STEM, Science Technology Engineering (Engineering) and Mathematics, and STEAM, Science Technology Engineering (Engineering) Arts and Mathematics.

To put the students in the position of designing either an object within the framework of a project-based approach in a fablab-type organization, or an animation presented in a science festival on site or in connection with events outside the site.

in training...

Students of a class of CM2 of the school Fabre of Avignon were welcomed in the premises of the Inspé site of Avignon to attend workshops of sciences conceived for them within the framework of the UE 3 Fablab - Scientific animation by students of the master MEEF.

The proposed research themes are the study of the solar system and the principle of operation of a hot air balloon.

The astronomy workshop ended with a role-playing model of the movements of the different stars that make up the solar system.

fablab avignon

Astronomy workshop realized by the students of master MEEF with a class CM2 on the site Inspé of Avignon.

Video realized by Laura Lafforgue, student in master MEEF.