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  • What are the training sites of the Inspé d'Aix-Marseille?

    L'Inspé is present in 4 cities: Aix-en-Provence, Avignon, Digne-les-Bains and Marseille.

    • Mention 1: First degree (School Teacher) on the 4 sites. The choice is made during your online application. There is a distance variation for this course.
    • Mention 2: Second degree (Teacher of Colleges and High Schools) in Aix or Marseille depending on the discipline and also in Avignon for literature, English, Spanish, history-geography and mathematics in partnership with Avignon University (AU). List of courses
    • Mention 3: Educational supervision CPE (Conseillers Principaux d'Education) in Aix
    • Mention 4: Training practices and engineering. Option Research careers in Marseille, option Training careers outside the National Education system or Professional certification from the National Education system in Aix-en-Provence.
  • Which degree to choose to enter the MEEF Master's program?

    Numerous licences give access to the MEEF master's degree for the first degree (school teacher). LIST

    One must choose the appropriate disciplinary licence if one wishes to teach a subject in the second degree (collège, lycée), for example, a licence to teach English to be a teacher in English. LIST

    To be a dean. LIST

    For Mention 4, Training Practices and Engineering, it depends on the course of study. LIST

  • Can we prepare ourselves before the MEEF master's degree?

    There are pre-vocationaleducation units (UE Pro-MEEF) from the 2nd year of the bachelor's degree. They can be addressed to tout∙e∙s or étudiant∙e∙s for those who wish to integrate a Master's degree in Teaching, Education and Training.

    Pro-MEEF 1 in L2 in semester 3 or 4 (24h TD - 24h internship / 3ECTS)
    Teaching, educating, training: complex professions

    Pro-MEEF 2 in L3 in semester 5 (24h TD - 24h internship / 3ECTS)
    Observe teaching, education and training situations

    Pro-MEEF 3: in L3 in semester 6 (24h TD / 3ECTS)
    Analysing teaching, education and training practices

    EU Pro-MEEF complementary
    They come in addition to the shared Pro-MEEF UEs for undergraduate students who intend to go on to become a school teacher or a vocational school teacher (for two-disciplinary school subjects).

    Students in the ALLSH sector have the opportunity to follow :
    ProMEEF Mathematics in L3 in semester 5 (30h TD / 3 ECTS)

    ProMEEF Experimental Sciences in L3 in semester 6 (30h TD / 3 ECTS)

    Students in the Science sector have the opportunity to follow :
    ProMEEF French in L3 in semester 5 (30h TD / 3 ECTS)

    ProMEEF Humanities in L3 in semester 6 (30h TD / 3 ECTS)

  • How to integrate the Inspé?

    Admission is based on selection criteria.

    Depending on the course of study, the criteria are more or less precise: bachelor's degree followed, UE PROMEEF followed, internship, letter of motivation, results obtained in bachelor's degree 3...

  • Can I become a teacher through a VAE?

    The VAE makes it possible to obtain a diploma such as the MEEF master's degree.
    The system for validating acquired experience enables all or part of a certification (diploma, professional title or certificate of professional qualification) to be obtained on the basis of paid, unpaid and/or voluntary professional experience.
    This experience, which is linked to the certification in question, is validated by a selection board. A diploma can be obtained under this scheme.

    The master's degree makes it possible to sit the recruitment competitions.


  • What happens if I obtain the MEEF master's degree but not the National Education competition?

    During the 2 years of the Master's programme, students acquire skills that are useful in all areas of education and training.

    The MEEF master's degree is a nationally recognised diploma. You can apply for jobs in this sector or in the sector education and training, including of contract staff proposed by the rectorates and by private education services.

    You can also represent the competition and as many times as you wish.

    L'Inspé will offer help to reinforce the master's degree knowledge to better understand the competitive exams.

Vidéo de la conférence Inspé / Rectorat lors de la journée portes ouvertes 2022