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  • Role and skills

    The administrative and technical staff commission has an advisory role. It makes proposals, within the framework of the general policy of the Inspé in agreement with the policy of the university, on the general organization and functioning of the services, on the human resources policy - including the training aspect - and on the social action in favour of the staff of the institute.

    This commission also contributes to the reflections related to health and safety issues and more broadly those related to the working conditions of the staff.

  • Composition

    The administrative and technical staff committee shall be composed in accordance, as far as possible, with the principles of parity of its members sitting with voting rights.

    The administrative and technical staff committee is composed of twelve members.

    Six elected representatives:

    Three groups of representatives of the administrative and technical staff are established:

    • college of engineers and technical and administrative personnel of research and training, laboratory personnel, workers, service personnel, social personnel and health personnel: two representatives;
    • college of the personnel of the administration of the National Education and the Higher education: two representatives;
    • college of contractual staff: two representatives.

    Six ex-officio members:

    • The director of the Inspé ;
    • the head of administrative and technical services;
    • two members of the management (deputy directors or persons in charge of missions designated by the director)
    • one permanent member of staff belonging to category A and one permanent member of staff belonging to category B, carrying out their duties in the school, appointed by the Director of the Inspé.

    Members invited in an advisory capacity:

    • the director general of the university's services or his or her representative
    • the other deputy directors;
    • the person in charge of the BU-Inspé;
    • the heads of the administrative and technical divisions of the Inspé ;
    • the administrative managers of the sites;
    • the director of the Structure Fédérative d'Etudes et de Recherche en Education de Provence (SFERE-Provence, FED 4238);
    • the director of the research unit EA4671 ADEF or his or her representative;
    • all persons concerned by one of the points on the agenda, upon invitation by the director.

    The chairperson of the committee may invite as an expert or guest any person whose particular competence is likely to enlighten the committee on a specific point of the agenda, on his or her own initiative, or at the request of more than one third of the committee members.

  • Operation


    The administrative and technical staff committee is chaired by the director of the Inspé. The head of the administrative and technical services of the Inspé is the vice-chairman of the committee.

    Meeting of the administrative and technical staff committee

    The administrative and technical staff committee meets in ordinary session when convened by its chairperson. It may meet in extraordinary session and on a specific agenda at the initiative of its chairperson or at the request of at least half of its members.

    The chairperson of the committee convenes the members of the committee ten days before the date of the meeting.

    Conduct of meetings

    The commission sits validly when half of its members are present. In the absence of a full member of the commission, he or she is replaced by his or her alternate.

    The commission issues its opinions by a majority of the members present and voting. Any voting member present may request a vote on proposals made by the representatives of the internal institute or on proposals made by one or more voting staff representatives.

    Voting shall ordinarily be by show of hands. However, at the request of one of the members of the committee with voting rights, the vote may be taken by secret ballot.

    The director of the Inspe shall inform the members of the committee in writing if his or her proposal is contrary to the opinion of the committee; he or she must give reasons for this information.

    Secretariat and minutes

    The detailed minutes of the meeting are sent to the members of the administrative and technical staff committee before the next meeting.

    The approval of the minutes of the meeting constitutes the first item on the agenda of the following meeting.