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  • Role and skills

    The Scientific and Pedagogical Orientation Council contributes to the reflection on the major orientations relating to the school's partnership policy and training and research activities.

  • Composition

    The scientific and pedagogical orientation council is made up of equal numbers of men and women, six members by right and six outside personalities.

    The members by right :

    - three representatives of Aix-Marseille University, appointed by the president of this university on the proposal of the director of the Inspé;

    - three representatives of Avignon University, appointed by the president of this university;

    External personalities :

    - three external personalities designated by the Rector ;

    - three external personalities designated by the school's board;

    The permanent guest members, sitting in an advisory capacity:

    - the director of the Inspé if he/she is not a member sitting with a deliberative vote;

    - the vice-president of education of AMU (or his or her representative);

    - the Director of the UFR ALLSH of AMU (or his/her representative);

    - the director of the UFR Sciences of AMU (or his or her representative);

    - the director of the UFR STAPS of AMU (or his or her representative);

    - the deputy directors of the Inspé ;

    - the director of the EA4671 ADEF research unit (or his or her representative);

    - the director of the research federation FED 4238 SFERE-Provence (or his/her representative);

    - the vice-president of education of Avignon University;

    - four representatives of the academy

    The director of the Inspé may invite as an expert or guest any person whose particular competence is likely to enlighten the council on a specific point of the agenda, on his or her own initiative or at the request of more than a third of the council members.

    The functions of a member with voting rights on the Institute Council and the Scientific and Educational Orientation Council are incompatible. Membership is nominative and cannot be delegated to a third party.

  • Operation


    The Scientific and Pedagogical Orientation Council elects its chairperson from among the outside personalities designated by the Institute Council, for a five-year term, by a two-round majority vote, by an absolute majority of the votes cast in the first round and by a relative majority in the second round. In the event of a tie at the end of the second round, the youngest candidate is elected. The president leads the meetings and moderates the debates.

    Scientific and pedagogical orientation meeting

    The members of the Scientific and Pedagogical Orientation Council are convened by the Director of the Inspé eight days before the meeting. A provisional schedule of ordinary meetings of the Scientific and Educational Advisory Board for an academic year is sent to all members at the beginning of the year.
    The Scientific and Educational Advisory Board meets in ordinary session. It may meet in extraordinary session on a specific agenda, when convened by the Director of the Inspé, or at the request of half of its members.
    The agenda is established by the Director of the Inspe and notified to the members of the Board. One third of the members of the Scientific and Pedagogical Orientation Council may ask the Director of the Inspé to add an item to the agenda. Any member with voting rights may request that a miscellaneous item be placed on the agenda.
    The meetings of the Scientific and Pedagogical Orientation Council are not public. Only members with a deliberative or advisory vote are allowed to attend. The list of members with a consultative voice is set out in the rules of procedure.

    Conduct of meetings

    The Scientific and Pedagogical Orientation Council can only validly deliberate if at least 50% of its members in office are present or represented at the beginning of the meeting.
    If the quorum is not reached, the Scientific and Pedagogical Orientation Council is reconvened within a period of fifteen days and may validly sit regardless of the number of members present or represented.
    A member unable to attend may give a proxy to another member. No one may hold more than one proxy.
    The decisions of the Scientific and Pedagogical Orientation Council are taken by a majority of the members present or represented. In the event of a tie, the chairperson has the casting vote.
    Voting is usually by show of hands. A secret ballot is used at the request of the president or of one of the members of the board having the right to vote.

    Secretariat and minutes

    Minutes are sent to the members of the Scientific and Pedagogical Orientation Council before the next meeting.
    At the beginning of each meeting, the minutes of the previous meeting are submitted to the council for approval.