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  • The pedagogical team

    The pedagogical teams, which organize all of the Inspé's training missions, are made up of all the trainers - teachers, teacher-researchers, professionals in the field, temporary employees, contractual employees, etc. - who are involved in one of the training programs that fall under one of the missions assigned to a training program, whether they are assigned to the Inspé or to one of the components. - The Inspé is the only institution in the world that has a training program that is not part of the Inspé's mission. The Inspé is the only institution in the world that has a training program that is not part of the Inspé's mission, and the Inspé is the only institution that has a training program that is not part of the Inspé's mission.
    All training courses concerning a training path are entrusted to a teaching team. These missions integrate the organizations :

    • initial training (courses and options) ;
    • in-service training for teachers and educational staff of the first and second levels;
    • training for teaching staff within the framework of the university's Center for Educational Innovation and Evaluation;
    • validation of acquired experience, validation of professional experience, validation of higher education;
    • specific training in relation to external partners, for example, in the context of international relations.
  • Course Manager

    Each teaching team is placed under the direction of a course leader.
    He/she is appointed by the director of the Inspé after consultation with the partners involved in the training.
    For the MEEF master's degree 1 course, the course director is assisted by four assistants, one for each training site. Each assistant is appointed by the director of the Inspé after consultation with the course leader and the head of the course concerned.
    For courses in the second level of the MEEF master's program that involve several AMU and/or AU components, the course director is assisted by one or two assistants chosen from the component concerned. Each assistant is designated by the director of the Inspe after consultation with the head of the component concerned.
    The course director is responsible for organizing, implementing, coordinating and regulating all the training programs in order to meet all the missions entrusted to the Inspé in the field of training that falls within his/her competence.

  • The person in charge of the mention

    All the courses are placed under the direction of a course director. He/she is appointed by the director of the Inspé after consultation with the partners involved in the program.
    The head of the program is responsible for coordinating all of the programs that are attached to it. He/she is also responsible for all training organizations related to the field of competence of the field, whether it be in-service training for teachers of the first and second levels, validation of prior learning, welcoming foreign students, or any other action related to training.

    In the case of the first degree program, the functions of the program manager are combined with those of the school teacher program manager. There is a steering committee for the program, chaired by the program director, composed of four deputies and five coordinators.

    For the second degree program, the program director is assisted by a steering committee composed of a coordinator from the UFR sciences, a coordinator from the UFR ALLSH, a coordinator from AU and two coordinators from the Inspé, one for the sciences and one for the ALLSH. The director of the Inspé appoints the members of the steering committee after consultation with the heads of the components concerned.
    The head of the field ensures that what is undertaken complies with the training policy decided by the Institute Council, in accordance with the project which defines the framework for accreditation and in compliance with the more general policy orientations of each of the partners (AMU, AU and the Academy).