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The selection in master 1

In accordance with the national Master's reform, the University of Aix-Marseille has set up (since the start of the 2017 academic year) a selection process for all students applying for enrolment in Master 1.

  • Admission to Master 1

    It depends on the capacity approved for each Master's degree by the AMU Board of Directors. It is subject, for Inspé courses, to an examination of the student's file.

  • Capacity of reception

    The hosting capacity corresponds to the total number of students that the institution can recruit in a master's degree. They are determined with regard to the capacity of the teaching premises, the teaching staff potential and the possibilities of professional integration at the end of the training.
    The selection procedures, the criteria for examining applications and the recruitment campaigns are specific to each Master's degree
    These elements can be consulted on the website of the AMU Legal and Institutional Affairs Department: AMU Board of Directors' deliberation of 24 January 2017].

  • Examination criteria for an application for an MEEF Master's degree

    The Inspé recruits on the basis of the following examination criteria:

    • EU ProMEEF mutualised ProMEEFs monitored under licence
    • licensing university
    • previous academic background and results
    • work experience and internship
    • previous international mobility
    • professional project for certain career paths
  • What are the possibilities if no Master 1 application is accepted?

    Students who are not admitted to the M1 of their choice can contact the rector of the academic region via a teleservice accessible on the national portal

  • J'ai déjà un master 1 MEEF et je souhaite m'inscrire en master 2

    Si vous avez obtenu votre master 1 MEEF dans une autre Académie ou avant 2023/2024 et que vous souhaitez vous inscrire à l'Inspé d'Aix-Marseille, vous pouvez déposer une candidature sur l'application ecandidat du 17 juin 2024 au 2 juillet 2024.

  • J'ai obtenu mon master 2 MEEF et je ne suis pas lauréat du concours

    Dans le cadre de la sécurisation des parcours individuels des étudiants, vous pouvez bénéficier d'un accompagnent dans le cadre du dispositif d'aide à l'accès aux métiers de l'enseignement de l'Éducation Nationale.

    Déposez votre candidature sur l'application ecandidat du 22 juin 2024 au 7 juillet 2024.