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  • International Credit Mobility (GIF) SENEGAL (2020-2021)

    About the project

    The project supports the training of teachers from "pre-school" to "middle secondary" in the field of educational sciences (in all subjects) and is carried out at different levels: pupil-masters; pupil-teachers of middle education; teachers of middle secondary education; teachers of primary education; teacher-trainers; school principals; training of trainers.

    The aim is to provide answers to the difficulties encountered by institutions in implementing quality basic education and developing coherent training for all those involved in education, by linking initial and in-service teacher training with research. The aim is to strengthen the training system in the Senegalese education system by making it effective and efficient. Education professionals are systematically involved in the development of training and the implementation of digital resources for teachers.


    13 760 €
    Funding agency : European Commission (ERASMUS + programme)


    Project start: January 2020
    End of project: December 2021


    Jessyca Tretola (EA 4671 ADEF)


    • Aix-Marseille University (AMU), Institut national supérieur du professorat et de l'éducation (Inspé)
    • Faculty of Education and Training Science and Technology (FASTEF), Dakar
    • Cheikh Anta Diop University (UCAD)), Dakar
  • Training of Gabonese technical vocational training professionals

    About the project

    An agreement has been signed between Inspé and the Ministry of Education. of Aix-Marseille University and the Ministry of Employment, Youth, Vocational Training, Integration and Reintegration of Libreville, Gabon. The Inspé is organizing the training of 29 pedagogical inspectors, within the framework of the Capacity Building Project for the Employability of Youth and the Improvement of Social Protection in Gabon.

    The training material for the 1st year corresponds to the MEEF Master's degree Mention 4 Training Practices and Engineering, Option Training of teacher trainers or supervisory staff. In the second year, additional training will be offered in the form of a DESU (DESU Formation de formateurs d'enseignants ou de personnel encadrant). At the end of this training, which will take place at the Inspé sites in Aix-en-Provence and Marseille, the trainees will be able to obtain the Master MEEF and the DESU.


    283 000 €
    Funder: African Development Bank (AfDB)


    Project start: September 2019
    End of project: August 2022


    Hélène Armand (EA 4671 ADEF)


    • Aix-Marseille University (AMU), Institut national supérieur du professorat et de l'éducation (Inspé)
    • Ministry of Employment, Youth, Vocational Training, Insertion and Reinsertion, Libreville
  • International Credit Mobility (ICM) TUNISIA

    About the project

    This project aims to support mobility between two institutions, Aix-Marseille University and the Virtual University of Tunis, in order to strengthen our cooperation in the field of training:

    • at Master level, between the research course of the Practical and Engineering training option of the MEEF Master's degree (at AMU) and the Master of Didactics (from the VWU);
    • at the doctoral level, between the doctoral training of the EA 4671 ADEF (AMU) and the doctoral training Didactic of disciplines (UVT).

    The exchanges concern pedagogical practices in higher education (university pedagogy, in particular) and epistemological and methodological aspects in the didactics of science and technology. The objective is to develop joint training programmes between the two entities, with mobility of French and Tunisian students and mobility of French and Tunisian staff.


    Financier: European Commission (Erasmus + programme)


    Project start: January 2019
    End of project: December 2020


    Jacques Ginestié (EA 4671 ADEF)


    • Aix-Marseille University (AMU), Institut national supérieur du professorat et de l'éducation (Inspé)
    • Higher Institute for Education and Continuing Education (ISEFC)
    • Virtual University of Tunis (UVT)
  • Partnership ENEP of TENKODOGO-INSPE of Aix-Marseille University FSPI "Environnement Francophonie au Burkina Faso".

    About the project

    This partnership project between the Inspé d'Aix Marseille University and the Ecole Nationale des Enseignants du Primaire (ENEP) of Tenkodogo is part of a FSPI project (Solidarity Fund for Innovative Projects) "Francophone Environment in Burkina Faso", part of whose activities is dedicated to improving the training of future primary school teachers in and in French. Its objective is to develop a model of sustainable cooperation around the improvement of the initial training of future primary school teachers.


    10 000 €
    Financier: Institut Français DU Burkina Faso (IF-BF)


    Project start: January 2019


    Hélène Armand (EA 4671 ADEF)


    • Aix-Marseille University (AMU), Institut national supérieur du professorat et de l'éducation (Inspé)
    • National School for Primary Teachers (ENEP) of Tenkodogo and Dédougou
  • International Credit Mobility (ICM) SENEGAL (2019-2020)

    About the project

    The MIC project between the Inspé and the École Normale Supérieure d'Enseignement Technique et Professionnel de Dakar (ENSETP) consists in linking research and training with a view to structuring inter-university exchanges. Thus, the project provides for incoming mobility of doctoral students as well as two-way mobility of teacher-researchers. On the one hand, it is a question of contributing to the structuring of the training of educational executives, and more particularly in scientific and technological education, through the concerted development of university training in the L, M and D cycles (Bachelor, Master, Doctorate). On the other hand, the aim is to strengthen research in science and technology education so that it is able to produce the knowledge that each country needs to develop its education system, to train the managers needed to organise, implement and regulate teacher training and also to structure exchanges of skills around teaching, education or training issues. Several successful experiments have already been carried out, such as the Erasmus Mundus STETTIN project.




    European Commission (Erasmus + programme)


    Project start: January 2019
    End of project: December 2020


    Hélène Armand (EA 4671 ADEF)


    • Aix-Marseille University (AMU), Institut national supérieur du professorat et de l'éducation (Inspé)
    • Ecole Normale Supérieure de l'Enseignement Technique et Professionnel de l'Université Cheikh Anta Diop
  • Paraguayan Teacher Training Programme

    About the project

    The Government of Paraguay, with the financial support of the Inter-American Development Bank, has launched a vast programme to renovate the country's education system in order to provide in-service training and to finance the mobility of teachers and supervisory staff abroad. 
    The Inspé d'AMU was selected following a call for applications launched by the operator SFERE (Société Française d'Exportation des Ressources Educatives) - the Paraguayan Ministry's contact. 20 supervisory staff were welcomed for 3 months on the theme: "General policies, educational models, management, administration, equity and quality of education".
    They followed the responsible course of training at the Aix-en-Provence site


    60 000€


    The French Society for the Export of Educational Resources (SFERE)


    Project start: February 2017
    End of project: May 2017


    Hélène Armand (EA 4671 ADEF)
    Yves Martinez


    • SFERE (French Society for the Export of Educational Resources)



  • Erasmus Project + CBHE: BL_TEAE (Blended Learning in Teacher Training)

    About the project

    This international project, based on innovative constructivist theories, aims to develop the skills of teacher trainers through blended learning. The teacher trainers participating in the project have developed training modules to encourage collaborative learning and to enable the integration of new technologies and digital resources into teaching.
    This 3-year project has been an opportunity for exchanges between partner universities in the 8 countries concerned, through the organisation of meetings and events in particular in Bhutan, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Malaysia. It also generated publications, local events and a wide dissemination at the end of the project to the teaching public in Asian countries.



    European Commission (Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education programme)


    683 000€


    Project start:October 2016
    End of project: October 2019


    Jacques Ginestié (EA 4671 ADEF)
    Maria-Antonietta Impedovo (EA 4671 ADEF)


    • Project coordinator: Aix-Marseille University (AMU) - Inspé (France)
    • Aalborg University (Denmark)
    • Tallinn University (Estonia)
    • Audiovisual Technologies, Informatics and Telecommunications (Belgium)
    • Royal University of Bhutan (Bhutan)
    • University Teknologi MARA and Pendidikan Guru Institute, Kampus batu Lintang (Malaysia)
    • University of Dhaka and Bangladesh Open University (Bangladesh)
    • National University of Modern Languages and International Islamic University (Pakistan)
  • Erasmus+ CBHE Project: TO-INN (Tradition to Innovation in Teacher Training Institutions)

    About the project

    The TO INN project proposes the creation of an inter-university programme to encourage innovation, the participation of the entire educational community and the relevance of university education related to the training of future teachers. Its aim is to provide participating institutions with the means to train teachers capable of responding adequately to the social, economic and cultural needs of their environment. This training seeks to promote its social relevance by proposing four cross-cutting axes (culture and tradition; citizenship and participation; social cohesion: gender and minority groups; digital literacy). It promotes a sense of belonging, identity and social justice in multicultural contexts in Latin America through innovative processes of training, adaptation of curricula, university policy and governance.

    The overall objective is to improve the quality, innovation and relevance of higher education institutions' (HEIs') actions in teacher education in key common areas and to strengthen their social dimension, through the implementation of an inter-university action plan (virtual TO INN programme).



    799 574€


    European Commission (Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education programme)


    Project start: October 2016
    End of project: October 2019


    Jacques Ginestié (EA 4671 ADEF)


    • Project co-ordinator: University of Barcelona (Spain)
    • Universidad Pedagógica Nacional and Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Argentina)
    • Universidad Loyola, Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo" and Universidad de Aquino (Bolivia)
    • Universidad Pedagógica Nacional and Universidad Surcolombiana (Colombia)
    • Universidad Nacional de Educación, Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí and Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí (Ecuador)
    • Universitat de València (Spain)
    • Aix-Marseille University - Inspé (France) 
    • Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán and Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (Honduras)
    • Istituto di Scienze Psicologiche dell'Educazione e della Formazione (Italy)
    • Universidad Pedagógica Nacional and Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (Mexico)
    • Universidad Autónoma de Asunción and Universidad del Cono Sur de las Américas (Paraguay)
    • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Netherlands)
    • Universidade Lusófona (Portugal).
  • "eXpanding Educational Training actIvities fOr refugeeS in Zones of apprenEndship Utilising educational Structures" (XENIOS ZEUS).

    About the project

    This project aims to develop training courses for recently arrived refugees in Greece, Italy and France, both adults and children, to design tools to develop intercultural knowledge and citizenship practices, as well as to promote the integration of democratic ideals and integration into the labour market. The objective is to take into account the growing disparities of recently arrived migrant populations in Greece, Italy and France in terms of language, knowledge and training. The French team has produced two welcome guides, one for adults and the other for children, as well as teaching materials. The French team has produced two welcome guides, one for adults and the other for children, as well as educational material. The welcome guide for adults has been tested in two Marseilles associations, ELIBR and La Fraternité. The welcome guide for children has been tested in two UPE2A classes in Marseille.

    Link to the site: php/en/


    173 930 €


    European Commission (Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships for Schools Programme)


    Project start: September 2016

    Project end: August 2018


    Jean-Luc FAUGUET (EA 4671 ADEF)

    Marie-Noëlle ROUBAUD (UMR 7309 LPL)


    • Regional Directorate of Primary & Secondary Education of Central Macedonia, Thessaloniki (Greece)
    • Aix-Marseille Université - Inspé (France)
    • University of Western Macedonia, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Cartographic Heritage Archives and Diktio Alpha (Center for addiction prevention and promotion of psychosocial health in Western Thessaloniki) (Greece)
    • Human Rights Youth Organization (Italy)


  • "Improvement of the quality of teacher training in Haiti", a Unesco project

    About the project

    The consortium formed by RAIFFET and the Inspé d'Aix-Marseille University was selected to carry out expert missions in the framework of the UNESCO project "Improving the quality of teacher training in Haiti".

    RAIFFET ensured the coordination and follow-up of the missions while benefiting from the support and resources of the Inspé d'Aix-Marseille University. Two teacher-researchers from the Inspé, specialists in education and teacher training, participated in this project.

    The purpose of the missions was to evaluate all initial and in-service teacher training programmes in public and private training institutions in order to make recommendations to improve the quality of teacher training programmes in Haiti.


    44 700€




    Project start: March 2016

    End of project: December 2016


    Jacques Ginestié (EA 4671 ADEF)


    • African Network of Institutions for the Training of Trainers in Technical Education (RAIFFET)
    • Aix-Marseille University - Inspé (France)