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  • ARTEfac - Augmented Reality for educational effectiveness


    Aix-Marseille University entrusts the digital agency STRATEGIA with the realization of its project Augmented Reality for Teacher Education faculties (ARTEfac) -labeled "academy of excellence A*MIDEX 2017, led by Hélène CHENEVAL-ARMAND and Jérémy CASTERA, teacher-researchers at the Inspé of Aix-Marseille. This project aims to develop an innovative training system in Augmented Reality (AR) for trainers, teachers and students in the MEEF (Teaching, Education and Training) master's program.

    Within Aix-Marseille University, the Institut National Supérieur du Professorat et de l'Education (Inspé) provides training in teaching, education and training. It has 3,000 students in the MEEF master's programme and 160 education professionals, spread over 4 sites. 19 training courses are offered.

    At the start of the 2020/2021 academic year, the Inspé's MEEF master's degree will have new digital educational tools to offer innovative and attractive training engineering. These tools enrich the training in Science and Technology to promote the employability of students.

    Augmented Reality to increase the mastery of scientific concepts

    The Inspé is thus engaging its students in a research process on Augmented Reality (AR) in the teaching of Science and Technology in primary school. By training students in AR, these future teachers will also be able to reuse it with their students in situ, in order to better transmit the scientific notions on the curriculum.

    "Students who want to become school teachers come from completely different backgrounds, and the science streams are not well represented. We noticed that they had difficulties in transmitting scientific concepts to their primary school pupils. It seemed important to us to overcome this lack of scientific knowledge in order to facilitate the task of future teachers when they find themselves in a teaching situation.

    Based on research in cognitive science and education, we chose to approach scientific notions using new technologies, and in particular Augmented Reality", underlines Sabrina MARCHI, engineer for digital education at the Inspé of Aix-Marseille.

    The development of the ARTEfac project by STRATEGIA

    Following the public tender won, STRATEGIA assisted the Inspé of Aix-Marseille in the creation of ARTEfac.

    The digital agency was in charge of

    • the development of a mobile application on iOS and Android - It allows the use of Augmented Reality and 360° images onsmartphones and tablets. It is also equipped with a geolocation function to design educational scenarios based on the exploration of several sites. The mobile application brings added value in terms of visualization of scientific concepts, thanks to the combination of different media (text, audio, PDF, images, 360° images, video, AR, 3D objects in AR). Students use it to access educational modules on the move, both inside and outside the classroom.
    • the development of a SaaS BackOffice - Compatible with all Internet browsers and available in offline mode, it has two distinct profiles: designer and administrator. Teachers and administrators design multimedia and scripted educational modules. The first two modules (modelling of the Earth-Sun system and observation of the ecological mound of the Parc Urbain des Papillons in Marseille) are integrated into the BackOffice as examples. The BackOffice also allows for the sharing of resources between teachers. Students are also encouraged to use the BackOffice in order to develop their pedagogical skills and to create scenarios for their classes.
    • the creation of interactive AR content for teaching sequences - Dynamic and interactive modeling of the Earth-Sun system to represent the Earth rotating around the Sun, according to an axis of the seasons, to observe the behaviour of the sun's light beams, the lighting of the Earth according to the seasons, etc. Creation of 3D objects, namely 4 types of insects (arachnids, gastropods, myriapods and arthropods) for the observation of an ecological mound on site in Marseille. Contribution of 360° images for museums, landscapes...

    "In collaboration with STRATEGIA, we made sure that the mobile application and the BackOffice are easy to use and that their ergonomics are very intuitive. The technological and technical aspects should not be an obstacle to use. The challenge was to develop a mobile application similar to those that students may already be familiar with so that its appropriation would not be a hindrance to understanding, says Sabrina MARCHI.

    A design and testing phase full of lessons learned

    During the design phase, the project team, composed of teacher-researchers from the Training Artefacts programme (the "Learning, Didactics, Evaluation, Training" laboratory - Research Unit UR 4671) of Aix-Marseille University and trainers of the Inspé of AMU, has developed the first pedagogical modules. STRATEGIA's support was essential to reconcile the pedagogical expectations with the technical possibilities. During the tests, the first feedback from users showed that the degree of mastery of the teachers' pedagogical modules influenced the students' feelings. This assessment, linked to the quality of the modules created, led to precise teacher training.

    "STRATEGIA's technical skills and experience in Augmented Reality were decisive in the design of the project. Their ability to be a force of proposal allowed our co-design project to move forward in an optimal way for the users. Their reactivity and their desire for continuous improvement created a very appreciable collective emulation that allowed us to go further, especially in terms of user experience," she concludes.

    ARTEfac will be operational at the start of the 2020-2021 school year. It will then be extended to other scientific courses during the year, depending on demand. In the longer term, it is planned that it will be made available to all users of Aix-Marseille University. All staff and students will have access to the BackOffice from their Digital Working Environment (ENT). A Hubert Curien partnership (PHC) has even been initiated with the University of Beirut. This cooperation between the two universities aims to deploy the ARTE-fac tool in Lebanon.

  • SFERE- Dafip projects, Wave 4: "research, training, field" projects

    Presentation of projects

    Four successive waves of calls for "research, training, field" projects on the territory of priority education have been launched since 2018 by the Délégation Académique à la Formation et à l'Innovation Pédagogique (DAFIP) of the Académie d'Aix-Marseille and SFERE-Provence, which now support 33 network projects, designed on the basis of the expression of needs in the field (schools and colleges in VER and VER+).

    Researchers and teacher-researchers provide a support response based on a field theme and generate training resources that can be reused at the academic level. The restitution days (a first one took place on 21 March 2019) testify to the impact of collaborations between teachers and researchers. This approach is unprecedented on a national scale.


    104 000 €


    From 01/09/2020 to 30/06/2022

    Project details

    Schools - REP-REP+ Networks
    Project Title
    Project sponsor Laboratories
    EEPU J. Moulin Marignane College J. Prévert St Victoret Follow-up of the experimentation of a pedagogical reinforcement system as a substitute for the permanent co-intervention in CE1. Espinassy Laurence ADEF
    LPL College C. Claudel Vitrolles La Nerthe REP Network Neuroscience and learning to master the written word. Velay Jean-Luc LNC
    UMR 7291 CNRS Collège F. Raspail - Carpentras - Ventoux REP Network Axis 2 of the priority education frame of reference "reinforcing a benevolent school", follow-up of pupils, early fight against dropping out of school. Theoretical support and analysis of the approach Earthman Pascal ADEF E. Quinet College + 7 schools -
    Old Port Network/ Quinet Network How to make "aided study" a factor in improving student achievement? Felix Marie-Christine ADEF
    BLADES Collège P. Gauthier Cavaillon- Réseau REP+ P. Gauthier Impact and effectiveness of an innvanrt learning device in the eighth grade: the use of digital in the context of an inverted/hybrid class/digital classroom and provision of aVPI Martin Perrine ADEF/EQUIPE DIAS
    Lycée des Métiers du Nautisme et de la Sécurité l'Estaque - Madrague Network
    Motivation against dropping out of school Sembel Nicolas ADEF LP des Métiers J. Moulin - Port de Bouc - Côte Bleue Network Learning by reasoning in mechanics, French, mathematics, etc. Sembel Nicolas ADEF

  • A*MIDEX Project "International 2018" Digit-CrEAAT "Digital Creativity in Educational and Artistic Activity Training".

    Presentation of the project

    The international summer school Digital Creativity in Educational and Artistic Activity Training (Digit-CrEAAT), supported by the ADEF (Apprentissage-didactic-evaluation-training) laboratory and financed by A*MIDEX, is organised by the GCAF programme (creative gesture and formative activity). It is entirely planned in English, with the participation of international researchers and artists: conferences, workshops and artistic performances. It is addressed to all Master and Doctoral students (at national and international level), from all academic disciplines.


    The objective is to question the impact of digital tools on creation and training in and through the arts (visual arts, music, dance, design, theatre, cinema, etc.). Researchers in the fields of science, social humanities and arts, and professionals will shed light on the state of current work.


    58 468 €, Financed by A*MIDEX


    • Start:June 2021
    • End: July 2021

    Note: the Digit-CrEAAT project, initially scheduled to run from 22 June to 3 July 2020, has been postponed until the summer of 2021, after official agreement from A*MIDEX.

    Inspé project team

    • Pascal Terrien : project manager
    • Eric Tortochot: co-responsible for the project
    • Nathalie Rezzi
    • Alexandra Arnaud-Bestieu

    Partners (being finalized)

    • Structure Fédérative d'Etudes et de Recherches en Education (FED 4238), Marseille, France
    • Laboratory Apprenticeship Didactic Evaluation Training (EA4671)



  • SFERE- Dafip projects, Wave 3: "research, training, field" projects

    Presentation of projects

    Three successive waves of calls for "research, training, field" projects on the territory of priority education have been launched since 2018 by the Délégation Académique à la Formation et à l'Innovation Pédagogique (DAFIP) of the Académie d'Aix-Marseille and SFERE-Provence, which now support 26 network projects, designed on the basis of the expression of needs in the field (schools and colleges in VER and VER+).

    Researchers and teacher-researchers provide a support response based on a field theme and generate training resources that can be reused at the academic level. The restitution days (a first one took place on 21 March 2019) testify to the impact of collaborations between teachers and researchers. This approach is unprecedented on a national scale.


    108 000 €


    From 01/09/2019 to 30/06/2021

    Project details

    Schools - REP-REP+ Networks

    Title of the project

    Researchers in charge
    of projects

    Laboratories involved

    Antoine de Ruffi primary school/network Vieux Port Marseille

    "Mathematics learning in Cycle 3..."

    Teresa Assude


    Ecole maternelle Saint-André/ADEF/Davin et al.

    "Education for plurilingualism and interculturality in a multilingual and multicultural context".

    Fatima Davin


    Collège Henri Barnier/cooperative education

    Co-operative Education Project Extension

    Maria Impedovo


    Kindergarten and Elementary School Almond trees/Raspail network

    "Problem Solving in Mathematics"

    Cécile Redondo


    Elementary school François Jouve/network Daudet Carpentras

    "culture at the service of learning"...

    Mercedes Baugnies (Earth Pascal)


    Collège Anatole France/network Vieux Port Marseille

    "Exploitation of Robotics in Science and Technology Apprenticeships".

    Marjolaine Kitteney


    Lycée professionnel Louis Blériot/réseau Marignane

    "The Capture Experiment"

    Eric Tortochot


    College Ampère/network Camargue Avignon

    "Exploiting Virtual Reality (VR) in learning the concept of energy..."

    Jean-Francis Ranucci


    Elementary schools Marseille 15/network Marseille 15

    "Use of Benchmark Assessments CP-CE1".

    Odile Thuilier


    Cabucelle Elementary School, Saint Louis Consolat, La Calade, Madrague/réseau Arthur Rimbaud

    "Fighting against dropping out of school"

    Martine Gadille


    Establishment: Edgar Quinet College Marseille (wave1 moved to wave2)

    Homework done: Relationship between personal work, work done in class, individual coaching and co-education.

    Marie-Christine Felix


  • ANR Project: Educational game on chance and evolution for students in science" (EGRESS).

    Presentation of the project

    The EGRESS (Educational Game about Randomness & Evolution for Students in Science) project is concerned with teaching and learning the concepts of randomness and evolution of life for students aged 12-15. The originality of the project is based on the plural concept of randomness, a concept that is essential for explaining the mechanisms of the evolution of living things, but also a concept inherent in all gaming activities.

    The hypothesis is that an entry through the plural concept of chance through gambling makes it possible to go beyond finalist and transformist conceptions of the evolution of the living. In this perspective, a tangible, extended by augmented reality, allows complex concepts, such as those of chance and evolution, to be modelled in an activity that is motivating and provides favourable feedback.


    The objectives of this project are to design and develop tools for understanding the theory of evolution, which is at the heart of biology teaching and which is sometimes difficult to learn. Participating in the integration of the game in the acquisition of knowledge, it allows to measure the impact of this type of tools in the teaching and the process of acquisition of school skills.


    249 923€ : ANR Young Researcher, Young Researchers (YCJC)


    • Start date: 2019
    • Ends: 2022

    Project Team

    • Alice DELSERIEYS: project manager
    • Hélène ARMAND
    • Pascale BRANDT-POMARES
    • Jérémy CASTERA
    • Claire COIFFARD,
    • Julie GOBERT
    • Corinne JEGOU
    • Eric TORTOCHOT


    Aix-Marseille University

  • Project ANR RENOIR IUT : Digital Resources : Offer, Intermeditions and Networks in IUT

    Presentation of the project

    Faced with the lack of research on the practices of higher education teachers with regard to the use of digital resources, the RENOIR-IUT project aims to overcome this uncertainty and to go beyond the spontaneous explanation of the lack of visibility of resources. In fact, the UITs constitute a privileged field for observing the transformations taking place in higher education and developing methods for studying them.


    The objective of the RENOIR-IUT project is to explore and understand the practices of teachers within a school, a field of study governed by a national pedagogical programme (PPN), a teaching team, a disciplinary field, in relation to the professional world and institutional or associative groups. Teachers develop their own teaching resources based on an offer, which presents multiple forms of mediation. They constitute their own system of resources, the organization of which may compete with the organization of the offer and the different platforms to which they have access. It is this system that the RENOIR-IUT project proposes to study by highlighting the interrelationships, the interplay of actors and the factors that influence these practices.


    95 428.80 €


    Start date: 01/10/2018
    Ends : 28/02/2022


    • Aix-Marseille University, ADEF
    • University of Paris Descartes, Paris 5, EDA
    • University of Paris Nord, Paris 13, LABSIC
    • University of Clermont Auvergne, ACTé
  • Sfere-Dafip projects, Wave 2: "research, training, field" projects

    Presentation of projects

    Three successive waves of calls for "research, training, field" projects on the territory of priority education have been launched since 2018 by the Délégation Académique à la Formation et à l'Innovation Pédagogique (DAFIP) of the Académie d'Aix-Marseille and SFERE-Provence, which now support 26 network projects, designed on the basis of the expression of needs in the field (schools and colleges in VER and VER+).

    Researchers and teacher-researchers provide a support response based on a field theme and generate training resources that can be reused at the academic level. The restitution days (a first one took place on 21 March 2019) testify to the impact of collaborations between teachers and researchers. This approach is unprecedented on a national scale.


    121 000 €


    From 01/09/2018 to 30/06/2020

    Restitution day postponed to 2 April 2020

    Project details

    Schools - REP-REP+ Networks

    Project Title

    Researchers in charge
    of projects

    Laboratories involved

    Edgar Quinet College Marseille

    (project switched to Wave 3)

    Homework done: Relationship between personal work, class work, individual coaching and co-education.

    Marie-Christine Felix


    Elsa Triolet College - Marseille

    Consolidate the "homework done" system

    Teresa Assude


    REP + Belle de mai (Kindergarten and middle school classes)

    Observation and interviews with primary and secondary school teachers in the implementation of science debate practices

    Nicole Mencacci


    Estaque School - Train Station

    Observation and interviews with primary school teachers in the implementation of science debate practices.

    Nicole Mencacci


    Jules Massenet/Marseilleveyre Colleges

    Evaluation of the quality of the project: "territories in movement, from awareness to artistic and cultural education, dance project in a college with a flagship class (Massenet college) and a class in resonance.

    A. Arnaud Bestieu


    PYTHEAS Network

    Axis 1 of the network project: guaranteeing the acquisition of "reading, writing and speaking" and teaching more explicitly the skills that schools require to ensure mastery of the Common Base.

    Marie-Emmanuelle Pereira


    QUINET Network

    Axis 1 of the network project. The transmission of the oral language in all disciplines.

    Christina Romain


    Frédéric MISTRAL elementary- Sorgues

    Teaching more explicitly the oral skills that the school requires to master the foundation.

    Nathalie Rezzi


    Schools and colleges of the Renoir-Rostand networks

    Coeducation. Axis 3 of the Priority Education reference framework: setting up a school that cooperates usefully with parents and partners for school success.

    Sylvianne Feuilladieu


    LP Le Chatelier - Marseille

    Marseille Belle de Mai Network OR- Marseille La Viste Network

    How to develop a strong link between the general professional components of the training? Which pedagogical approach to implement? With which organization modalities?

    Hélène Cheneval- Armand "


    Around ten establishments: REP+ colleges in and outside Marseille and their assigned high schools.

    PAREX research project: "Encouraging school ambition": a new lever for the success of priority education students? Focus on two student support schemes in the Aix-Marseille academy: Cordées de la Réussite and Parcours d'Excellence".

    Ariane Richard-Bossez


  • ANR ANIPPO Project: Study of the appropriation of the ANIPPO environment in the development of cognitive and metacognitive strategies for the resolution of open problems in primary school.

    Presentation of the project

    This research focuses on the development, through a cooperative approach, of cognitive and metacognitive capacities for open problem solving in interactive, immersive virtual worlds. The study focuses on the appropriation of the 3D environment by students in a-didactic situations of open problem solving as well as on the evaluation of the relevance of the 3D virtual environment in the development of cognitive and metacognitive abilities.

    This research, which is part of the general problem of understanding the use of digital technologies in education, is based on conceptual approaches at the crossroads of educational sciences, interpretative semiotics and cognitive sciences.


    The aim of this research is to explore how the mechanisms of understanding and knowledge construction are modulated by the "semio-technical properties" articulated within a second life type environment, such as that of the ANIPPO project.


    25 630,29 €


    Start date: 21/01/2018

    Ends : 30/01/2021

    Project team

    Project initiator: Caroline Ladage


    • University of Strasbourg, Inspé
    • Aix-Marseille University
    • University of Paris Nanterre
    • Strasbourg INSA
    • Lorraine University
  • Sfere-Dafip projects, Wave 1: "research, training, field" projects

    Presentation of projects

    Three successive waves of calls for "research, training, field" projects on the territory of priority education have been launched since 2018 by the Délégation Académique à la Formation et à l'Innovation Pédagogique (DAFIP) of the Académie d'Aix-Marseille and SFERE-Provence, which now support 26 network projects, designed on the basis of the expression of needs in the field (schools and colleges in VER and VER+). The researchers and teacher-researchers provide a support response based on a field theme and generate training resources that can be reused at the academic level. The restitution days (a first one took place on 21 March 2019) testify to the impact of collaborations between teachers and researchers. This approach is unprecedented on a national scale.


    105 000 €


    From 01/09/2017 to 30/06/2019

    The Sfere-Dafip projects of wave 1 have been extended until 30/06/2020.

    Project details

    Schools - REP-REP+ Networks

    Project Title

    Researchers in charge
    of projects

    Laboratories involved

    REP+ Miramaris Miramas 13

    Evaluation Practices in Cycle 3

    Laurence Espinassy


    REP Gardanne 13

    The school orchestra or a study on the impact of the development of learners' and teachers' practices

    Pascal Terrien


    REP+ Prévert Marseille

    Co-education at the college Parents- Educational team

    Sylvianne Feuilladieu


    REP+ Jean Moulin /Elsa Triolet Marseille (13)

    Piloting a Priority Education Network, Cycle 3, Homework assignments

    Marie-Christine Felix; Frédéric Saujat


    REP+ Barnier Marseille (13)

    "Pédagogie coopérative et collaborative en réseau d'éducation prioritaire" (Cooperative and collaborative pedagogy in priority education networks).

    Maria A. Impedovo; Patrice Laisney


    REP Laragne (05)

    "From the Ecoles-Colleges REP and Parc Naturel Régional des Baronnies Provençales (PNRBp) system to partnership and educational practices that promote the values of Education for Sustainable Development and Inclusive Education".

    Anne Gombert; Jean-Yves Roussey; Sylviane Maximin


  • e-FRAN project (Spaces for training, research and digital animation): ARABESC (Arabic Writing Pen and Keyboard)

    "Learning Arabic: Writing with a pen or keyboard?"

    Presentation of the project

    With the introduction of digital tools in schools, the teaching and learning of key skills such as writing is likely to change considerably.

    This research project is designed to study the effects on school performance, on the one hand, and the cognitive and cerebral consequences of a change in learning to write at school, on the other hand. It will involve comparing, over two years, a group of students learning to write directly on the keyboard, a group learning to write by hand on a tablet and a group learning traditional handwriting on paper.

    The protocol will consist of teaching the Arabic language to three groups of 40 students for two years (6th and 5th grades) during which reading and writing tests will be conducted twice a year.


    • Compare different practices for learning to write a foreign language: directly on the keyboard, handwritten on a tablet and handwritten on paper. This is a longitudinal study (4 years) on the writing of Arabic.
    • An inventory and analysis of all the work carried out in this field, as well as all the existing digital tools and applications for learning and re-educating writing, will be used to make recommendations on how to learn to write at school with and without digital tools.


    Total budget: €362 232 (PIA)


    Start: 01/09/2016

    Ends : 31/08/2020

    Project Team

    Carrier: Mr. Jean-Luc Velay, Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory (LNC)


    • Partner laboratory: Learning, Didactics, Evaluation, Training (ADEF),
    • Psycle
    • LNC
    • Aix-Marseille University
    • 5 schools
    • Company: BIC Espé* of Marseille