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National Education personnel trained at the university by the Inspé or other components of the university are trained in partnership with the Aix-Marseille rectorate. All training activities are included in the Academic Training Plan (PAF) or in its departmental versions and are managed by the DAFIP.

Anchored in the multi-year ministerial master plan, the offer is designed to be as close as possible to the needs and expectations of all staff in order to support them in the performance of their duties in three areas:

  • Axis 1: to be situated in the education system.
  • Axis 2: improve and adapt one's professional practices.
  • Axis 3: be supported in your professional development and develop your skills.

Enriched by the diversity of the skills of its multi-skilled teams, Inspé's training activities are part of the research-field-training linkage, with the support of the ADEF UR 4671 research laboratory and the SFERE Provence FED 4238 research federation, and are part of the bachelor's and master's MEEF lifelong learning continuum.

Part of the training offer comes in a hybrid form, based on the Magisterium platform.

  • Training actions

    • Preparations for internal competitive examinations for secondary school teachers: on the strength of its experience, the university offers a variety of training courses such as preparations for internal accreditations, internal capes, and assistance in writing CSAR applications;
    • CAFFA-CAFIPEMF: having developed an expertise in the training of trainers.rice.s, the Inspé coordinates the training courses for the certification of academic teacher trainers (for the second degree) and teachers of teacher training colleges.rice.s (for the first degree). Backed by the MEEF Master's degree course, these two-year courses lead to the development of functions linked to leadership, research and training activities;
    • Training of new T1 and T2 holders: provided and coordinated by plural teams (Inspé-Académie), they are divided into 8 transversal modules. Offered in the form of a choice catalogue for all T1 and T2, these modules provide support in the first years of entry into the profession with a view to meeting the needs of teachers.
  • Policy Officers

    The Inspé's continuing education officers coordinate and manage all actions for the first and second levels. They are in contact with the Directorates of the Departmental Services of National Education (DSDEN), the rectorate and the training teams of the Inspé. They ensure the coherence of the continuum between initial and continuing training.

    Valérie MAILHES - Head of mission Inspé Formation Continue First Degree.

    Patrice BONNET - chargé de mission Inspé formation continue second degree.