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Professional training as part of the work-study programme for trainee civil servants holding the MEEF Master's degree

This diploma offer is linked to the year of internship in responsibility of trainee civil servants, winners of a National Education competition and meets the ministerial framework, describing the conditions of organization of the Adapted Courses, in particular for trainee civil servants who are winners of the M2 MEEF and who are on a work-linked training course at the Inspé.

  • It is thus anchored in a continuity of training ensuring the strengthening of the competency-based approach of the MEEF Master's degree: depending on the context of integration, it provides professional development (DESU pathway a) or training adapted to the specific needs of the trainees (pathway b).
  • It is also based on the Academic Plan for the Continuing Education of Primary and Secondary Teachers.

Innovation is at the heart of this training, which favours the collective project approach. The construction of a reflexive production ensures a step back, enrichment and professional openness and allows these trainee civil servants to initiate a dynamic that starts from the schools that host them in connection with educational research and the social and cultural environment of these institutions:

  1. In partnership with research laboratories ensuring the mobilization of skills in a reflexive and knowledge-building framework: PSYCLE, ADEF, Cognitive Psychology Laboratory ...
  2. In interaction with the local associative, social and/or economic fabric allowing the knowledge of professionals outside national education and intercategorical work. : Calanques National Park, Camps des Milles, Family Planning, theatres, museums, partner associations of the school, ASTEP, Observatory of Provence ...
  3. By mobilising the academic training context: participation in teacher-researcher days, experimentation with internships in training establishments, integration within DAFIP research-training-fieldwork projects.